
I'm Going to Die

And when I do please do not honor my memory with a bumper sticker or a window decal.

I prefer that my legacy not be communicated through the same medium as SHIT HAPPENS, Naked Girl Mudflaps and TruckNutz.

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Anonymous said...

I'd actually be interested in exactly what brought on this particular post. I've never seen a bumper sticker memorial for a loved one but then, I haven't been to southern Georgia in several years. I do solemnly promise to never have one for you (although, despite the skydiving, I'm not really likely to outlive you so that promise might be moot).

Anonymous said...

Stephen's installations often featured body parts, I have several of them that he gave to me as gifts, some cast from his own body. I've got ears, eyeballs, testicles and a magnificent torso. The Museum of Contemporary Art bought works that contain tongues, penises and part of a colon

At least he had a say in what he would leave behind as a memorial:-)

Anonymous said...

here's a link in case you're interested


Unknown said...

I really hope this claim is a false alarm because I have been there. I assume that extra time off came in handy.

Nurse, your husbands works are wonderful. I'm glad I stumbled upon them here.

the wife said...

listen. dont hate on trucknutz. theyre actually very convenient, because without them you might think the driver of said truck was a clear-thinking, literate being who could be trusted conducting a vehicle. now you know that they (hell, he must be give a wide berth.